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Applying via an Agent

List of Approved Recruitment Agents

For a comprehensive list of our approved recruitment agents, click the button below. These agents are authorized to assist you in the application process and provide the necessary support.

Prospective students have the option to apply to United Ceres College (UCC) through one of our trusted recruitment agents. Applying via an agent offers several benefits, including personalized guidance and support throughout the application process. Agents are knowledgeable about UCC’s programs and requirements, ensuring that you submit a complete and accurate application. They can help you understand the nuances of the admission process, provide assistance with document preparation, and offer valuable insights into UCC’s offerings.

Partner with Us: Become a Recruitment Agent

Become a Recruitment Agent for United Ceres College

Embark on a rewarding journey with United Ceres College as a trusted recruitment agent. As a partner, you’ll play a pivotal role in shaping futures by connecting prospective students with top-tier educational opportunities. Enjoy comprehensive support, attractive benefits, and a collaborative environment that values growth and success. Ready to make a significant impact? Join us today and expand your professional horizons!

Recruitment Agent Benefits

As a recruitment agent for UCC, you will enjoy several benefits, including:

  • Access to Marketing Materials: Gain access to a wide range of marketing materials and resources to promote UCC effectively.
  • Comprehensive Training: Receive training and support to understand UCC’s offerings, policies, and recruitment procedures.
  • Competitive Commission: Benefit from a competitive commission structure and incentives.
  • Regular Updates: Stay informed with regular updates and communication from UCC about new courses, policies, and events.

Key Responsibilities

As agents representing United Ceres College, several key responsibilities are central to the role:

  • Enrolment Assistance: A core duty is to guide students through the application and enrolment process, ensuring they understand UCC’s services, facilities, and resources.
  • Accurate Information Dissemination: Agents are tasked with ensuring that all information provided to prospective students is current, comprehensive, and accurate, covering all aspects of UCC’s offerings.
  • Contract Clarity: A key responsibility includes conveying the details of the student contract accurately to ensure students have a clear understanding of their commitments.
  • Transparent Fee Communication: It is crucial for agents to communicate clearly about UCC’s admission requirements, fees, refund policies, and the details of student contracts.
  • Programme Explanation: Agents should offer detailed explanations of UCC’s programs, covering content, duration, qualifications, entry requirements, and study modes.
  • Visa Guidance: Providing guidance on visa requirements and the prohibition of work for international students during their studies is an essential function. (if applicable)
  • Policy Updates: Maintaining open communication with UCC and staying informed about updates on policies and admission criteria is expected.
  • Ethical Recruitment: Agents must adhere to ethical recruitment practices, ensuring


Before you enroll as a recruitment agent, it’s important to understand that you will be joining a respected institution committed to educational excellence. Here are the essential expectations and policies you must follow in your role:


Intellectual Property Policy

You are entrusted with using UCC’s trademarks, logos, and promotional materials responsibly. Any modifications or unauthorized use of these materials are strictly prohibited. Always use the official resources provided by UCC to ensure consistency and accuracy in your representations.


Conflict of Interest Policy

You must avoid any situations where your personal or professional interests could conflict with your duties as a UCC agent. Full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest is mandatory, and you are required to complete a Conflict of Interest Declaration form to ensure transparency and integrity in your role.


Code of Conduct Policy

Your actions should consistently reflect UCC’s commitment to integrity and professionalism. Key points include:

  • Ethical Behavior: Always act in the best interests of students and the institution, avoiding any deceptive or misleading practices.
  • Compliance: Adhere to all applicable laws and UCC’s policies, ensuring your recruitment practices are lawful and ethical.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a high standard of conduct, providing accurate information and support to prospective students.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Agent Code of Conduct.


Termination of Contract Policy

Your contract with UCC can be terminated under specific circumstances, such as:

  • Breach of Contract: Any violation of your duties or the Code of Conduct may lead to immediate termination.
  • Deceptive Practices: Providing false information or engaging in fraudulent activities will result in termination.
  • Notice Period: Either party may terminate the contract with a two-week written notice.


Key Points from the Agent Contract

  • Duties and Responsibilities: Promote UCC’s programs ethically, ensure students meet entry requirements, and provide accurate information.
  • Confidentiality: Protect all confidential information related to UCC, its students, and your role.
  • Remuneration: Commissions are based on successful student enrollments, with payments made upon receipt of tuition fees.
  • Reporting: Submit regular reports detailing your recruitment activities and outcomes

Agent Code of Conduct

  1. The Agent is expected to consistently uphold the highest standards of integrity, ensuring their actions reflect positively on the PEI’s reputation as a dependable provider of quality education and training.
  2. The Agent shall always execute their responsibilities with professionalism, responsibility, and ethical conduct, refraining from any actions that could harm the interests, reputation, or goodwill of the PEI.
  3. The Agent must adhere to all the terms and expectations outlined in their contract with the PEI, avoiding any breaches or violations.
  4. The Agent is prohibited from engaging in any unethical practices, disseminating misrepresentations or false information, or making any fraudulent claims, ensuring accuracy and honesty in all statements.
  5. The Agent must continuously comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and legal requirements within the territory regarding their services, as well as the marketing, promotion, and sale of the PEI’s programs.
  6. The Agent must stay informed about all relevant Singaporean laws, government agency rules, and guidelines, ensuring full compliance and refraining from any actions that would contravene them.
  7. The Agent should promote both themselves and the PEI transparently, offering honest, accurate, and comprehensive information about themselves, students, and the PEI.
  8. The Agent must adhere to fair trading principles when recruiting students, refraining from high-pressure sales tactics, “bait and switch” advertising, or any other unfair practices.
  9. The Agent should avoid negligence, carelessness, or incompetence that could compromise the PEI’s integrity or Singapore’s reputation.
  10. The Agent is strictly prohibited from collecting any payments from students except for the fees or commissions specified in the contract. All other payments must be made directly to the PEI.
  11. The Agent must follow the PEI’s prescribed procedure to address any doubts or concerns.
  12. The Agent must comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and adhere to the act as outlined in the policy and website of the PEI.

How to Apply

To apply to become a recruitment agent for UCC, follow these steps:

  1. Review Requirements: Ensure you meet the criteria to become a recruitment agent for UCC. This typically includes having experience in student recruitment and a strong understanding of the educational sector.
  2. Submit Application: Complete the online recruitment agent application form with accurate and complete information. Be sure to double-check your entries before submitting.
  3. Verification and Approval: Once your application is submitted, our team will review it and verify the provided information. If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions.
  4. Training and Onboarding: Approved agents will undergo a training and onboarding process to familiarize themselves with UCC’s programs, policies, and recruitment procedures.