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United Ceres College (UCC) is dedicated to maintaining a fair and transparent refund policy to ensure the financial interests of our students are protected. Our refund policy is meticulously aligned with the Committee for Private Education (CPE) standards and is regularly reviewed to ensure it meets the highest ethical standards and student satisfaction.

Key Aspects of the Refund Policy

Fair and Reasonable Refund Policy UCC is committed to upholding a fair and reasonable refund policy for any payments made. This policy is communicated transparently to all students and prospective students through the Student Contract. Regular reviews ensure the policy remains relevant and in the best interest of students.

Cooling-off Period Students are granted a seven (7) working day cooling-off period from the date the Student Contract is signed by both parties. If a student submits a written notice of withdrawal within this period, they are entitled to a refund of the highest percentage of fees paid, as specified in Schedule D of the Student Contract, regardless of whether the course has started.

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Non-delivery of Courses Refunds are provided if UCC fails to commence the course on the scheduled start date, terminates the course before the start date, does not complete the course by the completion date, or fails to ensure the student meets course entry requirements within the stipulated timeline. Affected students are notified in writing within three (3) days of such events and offered alternative study arrangements where possible.

Eligibility for Refund Due to Non-Delivery of Course

A student may be eligible for a refund based on the following:

  • UCC does not commence the Course ON the Course Commencement Date.
  • UCC terminates the Course BEFORE the Course Commencement Date.
  • UCC does not complete the Course BY the Course Completion Date.
  • UCC terminates the Course BEFORE the Course Completion Date.
  • UCC has not ensured that the student meets the course entry requirements as stated in Schedule A Course Details of the Student Contract within the stipulated timeline set by CPE.

In the event that the student decides to withdraw within seven (7) working days of the written notice stating any of the above situations or where there is no alternative study arrangement possible, they are entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid.

Withdrawals during the Student Contract “Cooling – Off” Period n the event that the student submits a written notice of withdrawal from the course during the 7-day cooling-off period, the student is entitled to the highest percentage (currently at 90%) as stated in Schedule D of the Student Contract. This policy applies regardless of whether the Student has started the Course or not.

Withdrawals for Other Reasons Refunds for withdrawals before the course commencement for reasons other than non-delivery are detailed in Schedule D of the Student Contract. The percentage of fees refunded is based on the timing of the withdrawal notice relative to the course commencement date.

Refund Procedures

Refund Request and Documentation Students must fill out and submit a Request Refund Form with complete personal and bank transfer details and provide a copy of the Official Receipt to corroborate the refund request due to overpayment.

Refund Eligibility Review and Appeals Process The Student Support Division reviews the refund request for eligibility and completeness. If the refund is ineligible, students are guided through the appeals process.

Refund Processing and Financial Management The Finance Division processes the refund, ensures proper financial documentation, and communicates the refund amount to the student. Refunds are processed within seven (7) working days from the date of the Refund Request Form submission.

Timeliness and Record-Keeping The Finance Division maintains accurate and up-to-date refund records, ensuring all details are logged for audit purposes. Periodic audits confirm policy compliance and identify process improvements.