So, you’re a digital artist and you’ve become interested in the NFT (non fungible token) space. You’ve created a bunch of artworks and you’re now thinking about how you can market your NFTs. Or, you’re a photographer and you’re thinking of minting and selling your photographs as NFTs. Or, you’re an illustrator and you’ve got hundreds of permutations of cute little punks or apes or toasts or goblins or whatever it is that can spark off an NFT collection. Whatever your medium might be, you need to know how to market your NFTs. Hey, these NFTs don’t sell themselves you know. The common questions people ask is “How do I market my NFTs?”. Marketing the NFTs is just as important as creating these media. In creating media, you exercised your creativity. In marketing your NFTs, you’re exercising your marketing acumen.

So what tactics should you use to market your NFT projects?

NFT Marketing Tactic 1: Early sales and whitelisting

Whenever your buyers buy your NFTs, they not only pay the cost of the NFT but also “gas fees”. “Gas fees” are a relatively esoteric concept in relation to the technical workings of the blockchain upon which the NFTs sit. But for all practical purposes, we can take “gas fees” to mean “variable transaction fees”. Yes, variable. That means that on different days and at different times of the day, gas fees can differ greatly. You can track the actual NFT gas fees in real time here: But in general, gas fees tend to be higher when there is a lot of activity on the chain. When there’s miners mining for coins on the chain, or when people are rushing to buy your NFTs, there will be higher gas fees.


4 tactics to consider for marketing your NFTs projects in 2022! 1

4 tactics to consider for marketing your NFTs projects in 2022! 5


The tactic you can use to avoid these exorbitant gas fees is to open up early sales for your early adopters as a form of reward for their support. By opening up early sales, they will be buying your NFTs when the blockchain isn’t so busy (as compared to when everyone is rushing to buy limited editions of your NFTs amirite?), and they can enjoy much lower gas fees. To open up early sales, we should create a mint site. This mint site will only be open exclusively to your early adopters. The way we create this exclusivity is by creating whitelists. Whitelists are lists of digital wallets of our early adopters that we allow entry into our mint site to purchase the first batch of your NFTs.

The simplest way (without code) to create your mint site and a whitelist is by using Ambition.

Ambition - a no-code platform for creators to launch their NFT collections

NFT Marketing Tactic 2: Airdropping

Airdropping is a tactic where we send our NFTs free of charge to selected people. How do you select these people? You can run competitions of various kinds and the winner will be awarded a free NFT. Or you can pledge free limited edition NFTs to people who meet certain criteria. There are many ways you can think of to create a reason to give away free NFTs!

Why should you give away your NFTs? Well, some people say “the best things in life are free”, but well, we can also say “the free things in life are best”! Imagine how happy the recipients of your free NFTs will be, especially if they expect your NFTs to appreciate in value! Airdropping NFTs is a great way to keep your NFT community engaged.


You can easily airdrop NFTs from your own digital wallet to another person’s digital wallet quite easily. Just log on to your NFT digital wallet (e.g. MetaMask and Alpha Wallet) and send it over as a gift!

MetaMask - a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

NFT Marketing Tactic 3: Influencer marketing

Influencers are people with a high social network potential. They are called influencers because they have influence over their followers. These influencers can be found on many social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Their followers will pay attention to whatever they promote or review because whatever they say matters! Using influencers in marketing is a quick and effective way to build awareness of and support for your NFT projects. One of the most well known influencers in the crypto space are the Island Boys. Now, the downside to using influencers is that they’re gonna cost you. They’re not cheap because the way they make money is primarily through charging advertisers an advertising cost.

Island Boys

Is there a way around this? Sure there is. There’s always a workaround. Look out for “non-career influencers”. Non-career influencers are people who have a large network of friends, interact often with their friends, but don’t make money from charging advertising fees. This is an increasingly viable option, since NFTs are coming into the mainstream rapidly. More and more people are getting to know it, and more and more people are talking about it on mainstream platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp. Look out for people who are recently discovering NFTs and are having daily chats with their friends. Introduce yourself and your project. Offer to bring them into your community at no cost to them. You’ll find that they will happily talk about your NFT project to their friends, giving you the opportunity to spread the word for free!

NFT Marketing Tactic 4: Community engagement

The web3 space is quite a different space from Web 2.0. It borrows a fair bit from Web 2.0 but it also is developing its own culture too. In Web 2.0, you engage your followers through “content creation and marketing”. The reason that we engage them is so that you can build brand depth and brand expertise. That way, when your followers buy your products and services, they will be doing so because they trust your brand. This trust will carry them a long way as loyal customers, and consequently build up their customer lifetime value.

In web3, you need to engage your “customers” for a slightly different reason. First of all, don’t think of them as customers. They’re part of your community (the word to use in web3 is “fam” or “frens”). Second of all, you need to continually engage your community even after they own your NFTs. You need to make them feel included as a part of your NFT community. They need to know that they didn’t just buy the NFTs to own them for a while. They want to know that they community is here to stay.

How do you do that? Here is a list of suggestions, but remember you’re not limited to just these:

  • Hold community activities: It could be a quiz over Kahoot. Or it could be a Pictionary-style charade over Sketchful.
  • Sneak peeks: Your community will be wondering about your new designs. Before you release your NFTs for minting (the word to use in web3 is “drop”), give them sneak peeks over your social media. Let them know how many copies of the upcoming designs will be available and when the drop will be.
  • Giveaways: Giveaways are kind of like lucky draws. Ask your fam to repost your most recent posting, and one of them will receive an NFT from you free of charge!
  • Meetups IRL: Organise meetups in real life. Living online is great but sometimes people need the human touch. Organise meetups in real life, so that they can get to know each other. Print out physical copies of your NFTs to give out. Print them on T-shirts, caps or as stickers!